Thursday, October 24, 2013

Book Recommendation: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Book Recommendation: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Juliana Discher Bell 3
          Although it is not a book, I would like to recommend the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I am currently reading it and greatly enjoying it. I think that all people should read this famous piece of literature because it is an enjoyable read and it challenges the mind. It is difficult to decipher what all of the lines mean, but in the end you will be more educated. It is interesting to read about what times were like long ago and about how people interacted with one another. The language that Shakespeare uses is called Elizabethan. Although there are many modern interpretations of it, the most pure form of it is by Shakespeare. Also, if you want to read the poem that inspired Shakespeare to write it, than read the poem "Romeus and Juliet" by Arthur Brooke.



  1. You're right, there are a lot of modern interpretations of Romeo and Juliet. How exactly do you feel that the poem inspired the story.

  2. Great question Rujul! I believe that the poem inspired the play because it has the same character (aside from Romeo being named Romeus) and the plot is the same.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this blog post and you are right about Romeo and Juliet.

  4. Regarding language and style, Romeo and Juliet may perhaps be the best of all Shakespeare's work. It's packed loaded with the absolute most wonderful verse I've at any point had the delight of perusing. Yet, the account of desire filled youngsters giving up themselves in view of an extraordinary eruption of instalove?
