Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Symbols: Cut by Patricia McCormick

Symbols: Cut by Patricia McCormick
Juliana Discher Bell 5
         I just started reading this book, and I'm apprehensive at the moment of whether or not I like it. Anyways, a basic synopsis is that it's about a teenage girl named Callie who is struggling with a self harm problem. She is put in a facility designed to help girls with her problem, or other issues such as anorexia.
         I think this book is important to read for me because I know self harm (aka cutting) is a serious problem that occurs in my very own high school. I feel that this book will give me more insight on what goes on in the mind's of these children, and maybe possible ideas on how I can help them.
        In my own life, I know of a girl who uses self harm. She is in my gym class and I can see the scars on her wrists occasionally. I feel sympathetic towards her, but I'm not sure if she wants to talk about the situation. She might feel ashamed. I think I will just try to be as kind as possible to her.
         I am going to analyze all of the characters in the story and connect them with a symbol that best describes them so far.
         Callie's symbol is a drop of blood to represent her problem with self harm. Callie cuts because she feels that it relieves her problems in everyday life.
         Callie's brother, Sam's symbol is a thermometer to represent how he is terminally ill. This causes a lot of stress in Callie's life because it makes the attention on Sam and puts her parents on edge.
         The symbol for Cal's mom is a wart because she is a major worry wart. Callie states that her mom has a fear of many irrational things, such as driving and big trucks.
          The symbol for Cal's dad is a shadow because at the moment we know that she has not seen him in a while. He is working constantly to try and keep up with the bills from Sam's treatment and Cal's facility.
          I think I will stick with this book because it's not very long and I think I will gain wisdom after reading.

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